Types of kidney diseases.

Types of Kidney failure.
Types of Kidney diseases

The kidney is a vital organ in our body. It plays an important role in our body. It filters excess water, waste product and other toxic substance from our blood and removes them from our body through urine. It regulates pH level, electrolytes and produces hormones that regulate blood pressure. When this organ unable to perform its scheduled work properly then we fall in death. Kidneys can be affected or damaged by a variety of causes here we discuss the type of kidney disease:

Types of kidney disease:
There are two types of kidney disease that finally makes the kidney failure:
  • Acute kidney disease or failure
  • Chronic kidney disease

Acute kidney disease:
Acute kidney disease is also known as acute kidney injury or acute renal failure. This type of kidney disease comes on suddenly, generally within a few hours or days. This may occur due to trauma to the kidney or less blood flow in the kidney. It can also occur due to do kidney stone that makes a blockage or very high blood pressure.

Acute prerenal kidney disease:
This type of kidney failure occurs when sufficient blood is not flowing to the kidneys due to insufficient blood flow the kidneys cannot filter toxins from the blood this type kidney failure can be cured if the doctor detected the cause of the less blood flow.

Acute intrinsic kidney disease:
Physical impact or an accident like direct trauma to the kidney can cause acute intrinsic kidney failure. severe bleeding, shock, renal blood vessels obstruction and glomerulonephritis may cause ischemia that means lack of oxygen to the kidneys and overload of toxins also causes this type of kidney failure.

Chronic kidney disease:
Chronic kidney disease gradually reaches the end-stage kidney disease and it is also known as chronic kidney failure. This types of kidney disease occur over a long period of time. It gradually damages the kidneys and finally leads to kidney failure.

Chronic prerenal kidney disease:
When sufficient blood is not flowing to the kidneys for a long period of time then the kidneys begin to shrink and lose its ability to function properly.

Chronic intrinsic kidney disease:
Direct trauma to the kidneys like severe bleeding and a lack of oxygen can develop this type of kidney disease. Due to intrinsic kidney disease, long-term kidney damage occurs this type of kidney failure.

Chronic post-renal disease:
Urinary tract blockage for a long period of time prevents urination. This creates pressure and ultimately damage kidneys.

Kidney disease stages:
Kidney disease is classified into 5 stages. Here very mild kidney disease is stage 1 and complete kidney failure is stage 5. Complications and symptoms increase according to the stages of progression.

Stage-1 indicates very mild kidney disease. In this case, some damage is present but no significant symptoms and visible complications are seen. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle such as eating a balanced diet, regular exercise, keeping a healthy weight, diabetes controlling and avoiding using tobacco products can help to manage or slow progression this type of kidney disease.

This stage is considered as a mild for kidney disease. Here the presence of protein in the urine is detected and physical damage to the kidneys is more obvious. Heart disease, inflammation and blood disorder are risk factors that make the disease progress more rapidly. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help to manage or slow down the progression of this disease.

This stage is considered a moderate stage of kidney disease. In this case, the kidney does not work as well as they should. At this stage symptoms become more apparent such as swelling in ankles and feet, back pain and frequent urination. Lifestyle changes, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and taking some medications can help to slow down the speed of kidney disease.

This state considered moderate to severe kidney disease. At this stage, kidneys are not working well but complete kidney failure has not occurred yet. Complications like high blood pressure, anaemia and bone disease are seen at this stage. A healthy lifestyle and treatment designed by a doctor help to slow down kidney damage at this stage.

This stage is considered the kidneys are nearly or completely failure. Vomiting, nausea, breathing trouble, itchy skin and more symptoms are seen at this stage due to loss of kidney function. Treatment at this stage is regular dialysis or a kidney transplant.

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